Case Studies
London Borough of Hackney
Indoor Facility Project
The strategy assessed a wide range of indoor facilities in the Borough (HC, education, private and voluntary sectors), following the SE guidance 2013; this included detailed quality audits, assessment of supply and demand, analysis of the Facility Planning Model, stakeholder consultation, and assessments of quality, accessibility and availability, plus GIS mapping. The audits and consultation specifically identified the extent and nature of access to education facilities in the Borough.
We checked and challenged the FPM analysis for the Borough and updated where appropriate, so that the supply v demand analysis reflects the actual situation on the ground; what this highlighted was the extent of existing provision but the lack of community pay and play access to the majority of education facilities. The main need moving forward is for both sports halls and swimming pools; the need is not just additional provision, but to do with the quality of existing facilities, some of which are old and no longer fit for purpose e.g. Kings Hall Leisure Centre, and facility capacity e.g. Clissold Leisure Centre