• + 44 (0) 7825 139151

Procurement and Partnerships

Our Work

Procurement and Partnerships

We understand the current financial pressures facing local authority services, the various options available to them for delivering services more cost effectively, and importantly, which are most appropriate in any given circumstance. We also understand, and evaluate in any options appraisal, the factors which need to be considered moving forward. Whilst finance and value for money are critical, equally important are legal considerations, impact and implications for staff terms and conditions e.g. TUPE and pensions, risk allocation, and ensuring service sustainability through planned investment and maintenance.

Strategic Leisure has a track record in project managing the development of new facilities, including the procurement of both the construction and the operational management.

We understand the relationship between facility design, capital cost, revenue impact, construction and operational delivery. In developing a new facility, it is critical that all these elements are considered and modelled from the outset, and are balanced throughout a project, as each impact the others.

The design of a swimming pool, for example, will have a subsequent impact on operational management and revenue cost, if the design means there is a need for increased supervision, as staff are the largest operational cost in a leisure facility.

We are also experienced in procuring the right partner for local authorities, depending on the specific circumstances they face e.g. requirement for capital investment, extension to an existing contract, a new contract for a new facility, a partnership to facilitate the development of new facilities etc. We understand how to develop a modern partnership specification, based on outcomes and performance management, delivering against specific KPIs. Whilst addressing local community needs and reducing cost and rick to the client.

Case Studies

Hart District Council
Plymouth City Council